gRPC Support

  1. Clients
  2. Servers
  3. Fallbacks
  4. Context Cancellation

Failsafe-go makes it easy to use any policies with gRPC.


You can create a failsafe UnaryClientInterceptor for a policy composition to handle errors, limit load, or limit execution time:

interceptor := failsafegrpc.NewUnaryClientInterceptor[SomeResponse](retryPolicy, circuitBreaker)
client, err := grpc.NewClient(target, grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(interceptor))

// Perform an RPC with retries and circuit breaking
service := somepkg.NewSomeServiceClient(client)
service.DoSomething(ctx, request)


On the server side, you can use load limiting or time limiting policies to create a failsafe ServerInHandle:

inTapHandle := failsafegrpc.NewServerInHandle[any](bulkhead, timeout)
server := grpc.NewServer(grpc.InTapHandle(inTapHandle))

You can also create a failsafe UnaryServerInterceptor:

interceptor := failsafegrpc.NewUnaryServerInterceptor[SomeResponse](retryPolicy, circuitBreaker)
server := grpc.NewServer(target, grpc.UnaryInterceptor(interceptor))

The difference between these two approaches is that a ServerInHandle handles a request before it has been decoded whereas a UnaryServerInterceptor allows your policies to handle the contents of a response.

For most load limiting use cases, prefer ServerInHandle since it does not create additional server side resources for requests that are rejected. For use cases where a policy needs to inspect the response, such as a Fallback or a CircuitBreaker, you can use a UnaryServerInterceptor.


When using a Fallback with a UnaryClientInterceptor, it’s necessary to set your fallback value against the execution’s LastResult() since a UnaryClientInterceptor has no way to return an alternative result:

fb := fallback.WithFunc(func(exec failsafe.Execution[*SomeResponse]) (*SomeResponse, error) {
  exec.LastResult().Msg = "fallback"
  return nil, nil

A Fallback with a UnaryServerInterceptor can be used as usual since UnaryServerInterceptor does allow an alternative result to be returned:

fb := fallback.WithResult(&SomeResponse{Msg: "fallback"})

Context Cancellation

When using Failsafe-go’s gRPC support, Context cancellations are automatically propagated to the RPC context. When an execution is canceled for any reason, such as a Timeout, any outstanding RPC’s context is canceled. Similarly, when using a HedgePolicy, any outstanding hedge RPC contexts are canceled once the first successful response is received.